A to Z Sunday Synopsis

A2Z-2013-BADGE-001Small_zps669396f9 (1)Last year I learned about the A to Z challenge just as it started, so I was “on the hop” right from the beginning writing my stories about places of family importance which we’d visited here or overseas. This left me with less time to read as many other blogs as I’d have liked. This year I had my plan laid out, and some posts scheduled so have been able to do better.

Here are just some of the blogs I’ve visited this week. The temptation for the coming weeks will be to keep revisiting my new favourites at the expense of checking out some others. In case you haven’t visited any of these why not give them a go. So many people are writing wonderful stories based on their experience and expertise -it’s a great opportunity to read some good stories, see some great photos and learn more about so many topics.

Also a big thank you to all those who’ve dropped by my blog and especially those who’ve taken the time to leave a comment. I appreciate each and every one!

Destination Unknown (compare your Bucket List with Kellie’s) I’m a travel nut and love photography so Kellie is my Pick of the Week, even though there are other excellent blogs in the A to Z. I can’t wait to see where she’ll take us next week.

 My family history blogging mates are writing about family history and/or their own travels:

Anglers Rest (touring Australia)

Family History Fun (writing about “a sense of place)

Finding Eliza (wonderful stories of family past and present)

Strong Foundations (how to learn about family history)

 And others I’ve enjoyed: 

Clare’s Working Title (Clare is a newbie blogger with some quirky travel stories -c’mon give her some encouragement!)

Delightfully Ludicrous (humorous take on life)

Pete Denton (about writing)

Quiet Laughter (about the Lesser Antilles and Curaçao)

Surviving Life (mixed topics, great cat photos)

Susan Says (writing)

C B Wentworth is following the muse and writing on a variety of topics.

Castles in the Air (life in San Diego)

Destination: Fiction (favourite images, with stories, from European travel)

Circles in the Sand (musings on life)

A Passion and a Passport (travel experiences)

Write Backwards (motivations for writing)

Tui Snider’s Texas (all about the Lone Star state)

An Expat’s Journal (musings from England)

Images by Dufee (photos)

Magnumlady’s Blog (Ireland and Sligo in particular)

Box of Photos (great photos, young love etc)

Ever Evolving Primate (photos, travel)

Spud’s Daily Photos (Scotland, photos)

A foreign land (Chicago)

A month of blog (a photo a day)

Photography by Kaitlin (learn about photography)

Über Random (comparing Davao in the Philipppines with Winnipeg, USA)
Wanna buy a duck (for dance routines, and that gorgeous cat)

Bronx Tales and Inner Musings (urban stories in 100 words and an image)

Jeanette Anderson (Nature’s beauty)

Lynnerevettebutler (books, film and gardens)

Quite Contrary (an autobiographical tale told with humour)

Grace Grits and Gardening (topics from an “Arkansas farm girl”)

21 thoughts on “A to Z Sunday Synopsis

  1. Thank you for the mention Pauline. I have been too busy writing posts so haven’t visited as many sites as I would like. However when I do visit, I have been looking for the genealogy, travel and photography sites. The genealogy websites are hard to find on the large A-Z list.

    I have been enjoying your posts and also Kristins very much. I’ll try to check out the others that you have recommended.

    Looking forward to your posts in the coming week.


    1. I’m sure I haven’t tracked down all the FH blogs either…it’s a pretty overwhelming list of blogs this year Sharon. I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts as am I with yours even though I haven’t commented much. Pauleen

  2. Thanks for posting these. And for mentioning me, of course. I’ve found a couple of new blogs I really like, in addition to following those I know. It’s pretty hard to find what clicks amidst alllllll those blogs! I know I’m missing some good ones. And I agree about the difficulty of finding genealogy. I was thinking I could have identified as history but that’s not always what it’s about.

    1. I agree Kristin, it’s not easy to pick and choose which is why I thought I’d do the Sunday Synopsis. Yours could definitely be classed as history but I had a similar dilemma trying to say that in a few words. I do like that they’ve added the codes this year -I think they’re great. Pity the big warning sign wasn’t up when I did mine or I’d have coded my own ….oops .

  3. Thanks for the mention. I can’t believe we’re at the first break already (although nearly into week 2). Looking forward to another week of posting 🙂

    1. The days fly by when you’ve got your head down writing stories and then heading off to read others don’t they. Hope you enjoy week 2 Pete (if I slip and say Peter put it down to my hubbie never being called Pete)

  4. Thank you so much for the mention. I’m really enjoying your posts and I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my musings as well. 🙂

    May the rest of the A to Z Challenge be just as much fun!

    1. You’re welcome C B. I think we’re having fun despite the busyness of it all. I’m into my week 3 writing so not doing too badly-it’s tracking down all the pics that’s driving me slowly nuts 😉 Should have pre-organised that I reckon.

  5. Many thanks, Pauleen, for giving me a mention. I am impressed that you have taken the time to give other bloggers such a profile. So far I have only come across 2-3 other A-Z contributors, so must check out ones on your listing. I look forward to learning so much more about your Tropical Territory. Good luck with the hectic pace this challenge demands!

  6. Thanks for doing this…I’m finding it overwhelming to visit a lot of blogs and appreciate having some guidance. I am a newbie this year, writing about overseas destinations I’ve visited. I’m having fun with the posting, but wish I had an easier way to peruse other people’s blogs!

    1. Quite agree Marie, the list is pretty overwhelming this year especially if you’re a newbie (and even if you’re not I might add!). If you have something special you like to read like (TR) for example, why not visit those first….works well except for those like me who didn’t code theirs 😦
      I think the coding option is a great new option. Cheers Pauleen

  7. Thanks for the shout out! 🙂 I’ve been so busy trying to get in the new habit of writing, that I haven’t been doing as much reading as I would like. I’m so impressed at your blogging skills — very inspirting. 🙂

  8. Somehow I missed this post, so apologies for the late reply! Thanks so much for the mention and also for the weekly synopsis posts. I confess over the last week I’ve fallen behind on visiting other sites and your synopsis’ are going to help me get back out there!

    1. No worries Kellie….I can relate. After computer issues I’m scurrying a bit too and trying to get to new sites as well as keep up with the ones I’ve flagged earlier.

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